21 February, 2019
「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2019」 萬人來朝
來自34個欖球總會的40支國家隊將雲集全球最盛大的賽事「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽2019」(4月5-7日) ,在這片英雄地一決高下。40路雄師聚首一堂令香港成為今年全球最大規模的欖球盛會。 16支男子隊將在「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」中力爭這「滙...
了解更多28 January, 2019
Nobody does Rugby Sevens like Hong Kong!
Cathay Pacific has launched a lighthearted campaign to celebrate the unique characteristics of Hong Kong and highlight how these contribute to the fab...
了解更多12 December, 2018
The Hong Kong Rugby Sevens From humble beginnings to a highlight in the World Rugby Calendar
1976 - The Hong Kong Rugby Sevens tournament is born. 3000 curious rugby fans turn up at the Hong Kong Football Club in Happy Valley. Entrance i...
了解更多12 December, 2018
With Christmas less than two weeks away, we’re getting into the spirit with a little festive sing-a-long… HK7s style! ALTOGETHER N...
了解更多31 October, 2018
The Seven Best Costumes of the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2018
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to one and all! Whilst we get into the spirit of all things fancy dress, what better excuse than to look back on all the creations of ...
了解更多12 October, 2018
Fantastic afternoon for a very worthy cause
Last Friday saw the staging of the much-anticipated annual Cathay Pacific/HSBC Sevens Long Lunch at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, with over 500 guests gather...
了解更多09 April, 2018
「勞倫斯世界體育公益計劃」和香港欖球總會社區基金 期望藉「2018國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」籌募一百萬善款
「勞倫斯世界體育公益計劃」成為「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」43年以來的首個官方慈善伙伴。 「勞倫斯世界體育公益計劃」在世界各地致力透過運動去改善年青人的生活,所以今次合作絕對是佳偶天成。香港欖球總會(欖總)旗下的香港欖球總會社區基金自2013年已捐出逾8百萬港幣。勞倫斯世界體育學院主席費斯柏...
了解更多07 April, 2018
China secure place on HSBC World Rugby Women’s Sevens Series 2019
China won promotion to the HSBC World Rugby Women's Sevens Series 2019 after beating South Africa in the annual world series qualifier in Hong Kong. A...
了解更多28 March, 2018
「2018國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」 連續五年推動「綠色七欖」
香港欖球總會(欖總)公佈第5年「綠色七欖」的一系列減廢措施,藉此減低「國泰航空/滙豐香港國際七人欖球賽」對環境的影響,並在今年的「減廢!」(Tackling Waste!)口號下為本地其他大型賽事樹立綠色榜樣。今年的綠色團隊主要成員包括環境局、環境保護署與康樂及文化事務署、賽事聯合冠名贊助商國泰...
了解更多28 March, 2018
Get to know the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens Ambassadors
Next Thursday, 5th April, we’re hosting a ‘meet-and-greet’ with our nine rugby ambassadors. This is a public event, located at Renaissance Hotel, Wan ...
了解更多08 March, 2018
Seven must-do’s whilst you’re in Hong Kong
So you’ve booked your ticket to World Rugby’s ultimate showpiece and you have a couple of days to fill in either side with nothing planned… stress not...
了解更多08 March, 2018
Meet the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens Ambassadors
We’ve got 9 rugby legends joining us for this year’s Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens. They’ll be spotted roaming around the stadium, plus will be...
了解更多02 March, 2018
香港國際七人欖球賽Magnificent 7
在2015年,為慶祝「香港國際七人欖球賽」40周年,欖總舉行了優秀球員選舉,在過去40年踏足掃捍埔比賽的球員中,選出七位香港站最優秀的球員,在並名命為香港版Magnificent Seven,作爲嘉許。 ...